Following in the footsteps of my inspiration Zimmi Warwick , I'm off on the trail of hard hitting Second Life Journalism. Where better to start a career in the news than the place more Americans get their news, CNN? That's right, noble readers, CNN has their own island specially dedicated to iReporters in Second Life. As the sign says, its unedited, unfiltered news. So I guess they won't mind if I grab their branded gear and wear it for my report. At the signs (shown below) you, too, can get your very own CNN microphone, ballcap, press pass and reporting pose. For the more. . .*ahem*. . .serious journalists, there's also information on how to become an iReporter. You, too, can cover Second Life for CNN without pay, all while maintaining no rights to your stories if they make the real news. Having cleared my first hurdle in becoming a serious naked reporter it was on to the newsroom. I realize that most reporters prefer to sit behind the desk to laying o...