Art 101

As much as I love running around naked, it’s just not always practical. There are times when you just have to let someone else have a turn. On this particular day our model did not show up and I was not fast enough to volunteer! This is actually a class in GIMP the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It’s similar to Adobe Photoshop and free to download (google it) and while i haven’t completed all the assignments yet, I’d thought I’d share my first few with you. Yeah, I already know my way around Photoshop, but I have my reasons for wanting to learn about GIMP too. So this was Assignment #1, Take a picture, save it to your hard disk, and upload it to SL. By this time in the class our model had arrived, lovely isn’t she? Since I use Emerald I get to play with a lot of Windlight presets that come with the viewer. Unfortunately I can’t tell you what preset this is, I tend to flip through them till I find one I like, and almost never remember to write the name down. Assignment #2 w...