Rumors of my demise...

Well, I'm still around. Thank you, thank you very much. Elvis has not quite left the building. I haven't had as much time lately as I would like to have had but if there is one thing life teaches you, it's that things change.

I recetnly visited one of the Linden Spotlight spots called the "Red Dragon Inn." It's supposed to be a huge gaming area but honestly, I couldn't see it. Of course, there was no one else around when I got there. Maybe they are on a different time zone than me. Who knows.

 It's certainly warm, even if the furniture is sparse and maybe intended for hobbits. There is a shop for tiny people here and down stairs from the shop is a freebie area with lots of stuff.

If you know of a place I should explore, send me a note, or just press the feed back button. I'd love to see your favorite spot.


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