Who's fault is it when you're lonely in a crowded room? But then finding fault isn't the point. I'm sorry it hurts, but I didn't do the hurting. Peace be with you, my friend.
While its always difficult to pin down the philosophy of a diverse group, most Naturists will agree that they enjoy life more without clothing. Naturists apparently enjoy the sun on their skin and sharing it with family friends and pets. For some it's a lifestyle with deep philosophical foundations. For others it's a skinny dip in a friends hot tub. But for just about all, it's not about sex. Unless we're talking about Second Life.™ In our little virtual world we have to constantly remind residents that naturism and erections do not mix. Even the best of Naturist sites are seen as pick-up spots by many of the patrons. Maybe not the regulars who know each other, but for the casual visitors it's a meat market with fresh meat. It doesn't really help that lots of the sites that list "Naturism" or "Nudist" are at best ugly sex markets for the newbies that make the Lindens cringe when they're talked about in media (waves) I really thin...
Just to let you all know that I'm back to working on that 500 sim Streak. I'm sure I've already done that, but this time I'm documenting it. It's all on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/people/54350144@N03/ Check that out. This is an out take. I suppose that they want to limit the number of peoples having sex in their store, but I tend to take these signs as a challenge. That's just wrong of me I know, but it's my nature.
I don't know what your plans might be this week, but in the United States we're celebrating our harvest and giving thanks for what may be left of our blessings with our traditional long lines at the airports. New this year are dirty pictures sponsored by the TSA. Sold to us by fear mongers as a way to find hidden weapons or explosives, what the manufaturers didn't tell us was these are the technical equivalent to the X-ray specs sold on the back of Archie and Veronica Comic books. The pictures only take a little enhancement and make lovely pornos your congressman can masturbate to. Of course, they have an opt- out, but that's made headlines too, as people find those searches intrusive. Personally, I don't get it. Clearly I'm not concealing anything, but you know these official types, they MUST do their duty. Every orifice needs to be explored. Dare I say there were event parts of it I enjoyed? Why he even offered to buy me a drink afterward, thought I real...
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