
Showing posts from March, 2011


There are places I remember All my life, though some have changed Some for ever, not for better And some have gone, and some remained All these places had there moments With lovers and friends that I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life, I loved them all But of all these friends and lovers Still no one, compares with you And these memories loose their meaning, When I think of love as something new No I will never, ever loose affection For people and things that went before I'll often stop and think about them In my life, I loved you more I know I'll never ever loose affection For people and things that went before I'll often stop to think about them In my life, I loved you more In my life, I loved you more © JOHN LENNON AND PAUL MCCARTNEY a

Streak 500 update

Just to let you all know that I'm back to working on that 500 sim Streak. I'm sure I've already done that, but this time I'm documenting it. It's all on Flickr   Check that out. This is an out take. I suppose that they want to limit the number of peoples having sex in their store, but I tend to take these signs as a challenge. That's just wrong of me I know, but it's my nature.

Rumors of my demise...

Well, I'm still around. Thank you, thank you very much. Elvis has not quite left the building. I haven't had as much time lately as I would like to have had but if there is one thing life teaches you, it's that things change. I recetnly visited one of the Linden Spotlight spots called the "Red Dragon Inn." It's supposed to be a huge gaming area but honestly, I couldn't see it. Of course, there was no one else around when I got there. Maybe they are on a different time zone than me. Who knows.  It's certainly warm, even if the furniture is sparse and maybe intended for hobbits. There is a shop for tiny people here and down stairs from the shop is a freebie area with lots of stuff.   If you know of a place I should explore, send me a note, or just press the feed back button. I'd love to see your favorite spot.